03 Feb Chancellor Carmen Farina’s Opinion Letter in NYC Daily News features STEMPilot K12 Program
Chancellor Carmen Farina came to the defense of the NYC Schools systems in an Op-ED to the New York Daily News newspaper. The NYC DOE has done an outstanding job of advancing career opportunities for their students. Branded schools offer diverse career curriculum’s for students to have skills for tomorrows jobs. Most notable has been the work to advance STEM activities in every NYC school. STEMPilot was mentioned by Chancellor Farina specifically noting our work at The School of Diplomacy (11x37o) led by Principal Sean Licata in the Bronx, NY.
“And those who think struggling schools can’t improve should visit Leaders of Tomorrow Middle School in the Bronx where Principal Sean Licata helped create one of the city’s only aviation-oriented STEM programs using real flight simulators. The program combines physics, math, geography and meteorology, all while giving students their first taste of what it’s like to fly an aircraft. Students at this school aren’t just developing a new interest in their STEM classes, they’re dreaming about becoming pilots and engineers.” (STEMPilot K12 Curriculum and Flight Simulators at The School of Diplomacy)